V razpisu E+2015 so bile EŠ Celje, Višji strokovni šoli dodeljene tri dotacije: mobilnost z namenom  opravljanja prakse za študente, za osebje pa mobilnost za poučevanje in mobilnost za usposabljanje. Zaradi specifike višješolskih institucij, kjer so lahko udeleženci mobilnosti tudi študentje 1.letnika, smo informativni sestanek za zainteresirane študente organizirali 20.10.2015. Po sestanku smo izvedli razpis za študente. Osebje je informacije o mobilnosti pridobilo na predavateljskem zboru v septembru 2015. Nato je bil izveden razpis za osebje. Po izboru študentke in potrditvi podjetja, kjer bo študentka opravljala prakso, je koordinatorica pripravila “Learning Agreement for Traineeships”, sporazum o dotaciji in uredila finančno nakazilo v skladu s pravili E+. Študentki je dodelila OLS licenco in pred odhodom na mobilnost je opravila preizkus znanja nemškega jezika. Študentka je odšla na dvomesečno prakso v podjetje Lärchenstadl GmbH v Avstriji, kjer je opravljala delo na področjih trženja, komerciale in informatike. Tako je razširila svoje praktično znanje, preverila in uporabila teoretično znanje ter pridobila kompetence na omenjenih področjih. Spoznala in razvijala je svoje sposobnosti za timsko delo. Seveda pa je zelo pomembno tudi izboljšanje znanja in uporabe tujega jezika v poslovnem okolju in v osebnem življenju.Za osebje sta bili realizirani dve mobilnosti z namenom poučevanja in sklenjena dva nova mednarodna sporazuma: z Univerzo st. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI BITOLA in s Sveučilištom u Dubrovniku. Novi stiki so usklajeni z EPS: “to intensify the existing cooperation with the republics of the former Yugoslavia acting as a bridge institution between them and Europe in to expand the network of EU partner institutions”. Predavatelj, ki je v maju 2016 odšel v Makedonijo, je izvedel predavanja na Fakulteti za turizem in gostinstvo v Ohridu, članici Univerze v Bitoli. Za študente dodiplomskega študija je pripravil dve predavanji z naslovoma »Comparison between Slovenia and Macedonia -tourism indicators« in »How to ensure the high quality of service in tourism?« Druga predavateljica je bila aprila 2017 gostja Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku. Študentom dodiplomskega in magistrskega študija na Oddelku za ekonomijo in poslovno ekonomijo ter Oddelku za elektrotehniko in informatiko je predavala na temo »Vloga in pomen socialnega podjetništva s primeri dobre prakse v Sloveniji”. Tudi za mobilnosti osebja je koordinatorica E+ pred odhodom uredila vso potrebno dokumentacijo: »Staff mobility for teaching-mobility agreement”, sporazum o dotaciji in poskrbela za finančno nakazilo v skladu s pravili Erasmus+. Med mobilnostjo je bila koordinatorica na voljo, predvsem v primeru problemov. Seveda je večja pozornost namenjena mobilnosti študentov, saj gre tudi za daljši čas kot tudi za udeležence z manj izkušnjami. Zaradi te odgovornosti je bila zelo dobro načrtovana in izpeljana priprava. Po mobilnosti je koordinatorica preverila ustreznost potrdil za izvedeno mobilnost Letter of confirmation for E+. Odgovornim osebam na partnerskih izobraževalnih institucijah in podjetju se je zahvalila za sodelovanje. Vsi udeleženci so pravočasno izpolnili obveznost oddaje spletnega končnega poročila. Študentka je uspešno opravila preizkus znanja OLS, saj je preskočila iz stopnje B1-sporazumevalni prag na C1-raven učinkovitosti. Pri slušnem razumevanju pa je dosegla celo raven C2-raven mojstrstva. Izpolnjen je bil cilj pridobitve znanja in spretnosti, s katerimi bo povečala svojo zaposljivost.  Na podlagi potrdila o opravljeni mobilnosti je imela priznanih 7KT. Po izdelavi in zagovoru seminarske naloge je pridobila še 7KT. 20.4.2017 je imela tako v celoti priznane obveznosti pri praktičnem izobraževanju. Predavatelja sta bila zadovoljna s potekom, vsebino in vzpostavitvijo novih odnosov z obema izobraževalnima institucijama. Pri realizacija mobilnosti osebja je prišlo do prenosa in sicer ene načrtovane mobilnost z namenom usposabljanja na mobilnost z namenom poučevanja. Glede na nizko število mobilnosti, bi težko govorili širokem vplivu našega projekta. Vsekakor pa vsaka izboljšana in novo pridobljena kompetenca udeleženca mobilnosti vpliva na okolico, v kateri udeleženec živi in deluje. Kot širši vpliv bi lahko ocenili spremembo v pridobitvi kompetenc študentke, ki je v končnem poročilu navedla kako sedaj lažje sodeluje z ljudmi iz drugih okolij in kultur, se zna bolje prilagajati in odzivati v novih situacijah, je bolj odprta in radovedna glede za nove izzive. Vsekakor je pridobila na samozavesti in prepričanju o svojih zmožnostih, saj se je odločila za opravljanje trimesečnega dela v Ameriki. Uresničili smo cilje zapisane v EPS, saj smo sklenili dva nova medinstitucionalnima sporazuma. Sveučilište u Dubrovniku nam je poslalo vabilo za udeležbo na znanstveni konferenci. Univerzo v Bitoli smo vključili kot partnerico v KA2 2016. Učinek novih stikov pa je bilo tudi gostovanje predavatelja Fakultete za turizem in gostinstvo na naši instituciji.



After the call for applicants E+2015 Celje School of Economics, The Vocational College of Economics was awarded three grants for mobility: Student mobility for traineeships; Staff mobility for teaching and Staff mobility for training. Due to the specifics of the higher education institutions, where participants can also be students from the 1st year, briefings for interested students of first and second year were organized on 20th October 2015. After the briefing, we carried out a call for students. The staff of vocational school was informed about obtaining grants and the amount of acquired assets at the Assembly meeting in September 2015. The call for staff was carried out after the meeting.

After selecting a student and confirmation of the company where the student was to carry out the practice, the Erasmus coordinator drew up both, the “Learning Agreement for Traineeships” in cooperation with the host organization, the grant agreement and also took care of a financial transfer in accordance with the rules of Erasmus+ and adequate insurance. The student was granted the OLS license and the examination of the German language was arranged in cooperation with the instructor of foreign languages. The student went on a two-month training in the company “Lärchenstadl GmbH” in Austria, where she worked in the areas of marketing, sales department and informatics. This is how she expanded her practical knowledge, verified and applied theoretical knowledge and gained the competence acquired in these areas. She learned and developed the skills for teamwork. A very important dimension was improving the knowledge and use of a foreign language both in the business environment as well as in personal life.

Two mobilities for the purpose of teaching were realized for the staff and two new international agreements were concluded: with the “University of  Saint KLIMENT OHRIDSKI” in  Bitola and with the »University of Dubrovnik«. New contacts are in line with the EPS: “to intensify the existing cooperation with the republics of former Yugoslavia acting as a bridge institution between them and Europe in order to expand the network of EU partner institutions”. The lecturer, who went to Macedonia in May 2016 gave lectures at the Faculty of Tourism and Catering in Ohrid, a member of the University of Bitola. For undergraduate students, he prepared two lectures titled “Comparison between Slovenia and Macedonia -tourism indicators” and “How to ensure the high quality of service in tourism?” The second lecturer was a guest at the University of Dubrovnik in April 2017. She lectured on the topic “The role and significance of social entrepreneurship with examples of good practice in Slovenia” at the Department of Economics and Business Economics and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics at the undergraduate and master studies.

For staff mobility, the E + coordinator also arranged all the necessary documentation: Mobility for teaching-mobility agreement, a grant agreement, and arranged for a financial transfer in accordance with the Erasmus+ rules. During the mobility, the coordinator was available, especially in case of problems. Naturally, more attention is paid to the mobility of students, as it also takes a longer time, as well as for participants with less experience. Due to this responsibility, the preparation was well planned and carried out. After the mobility, the coordinator checked the validity of the certificates for the implemented mobility Letter of confirmation for E +. She thanked the responsible persons at partner educational institutions and the company for cooperation. All participants duly fulfilled the obligation to submit an online final report. The student passed the OLS knowledge test by skipping from the level B1-communication threshold to C1-level performance. In listening comprehension, she even reached the level of C2- the level of mastery.

The goal was to acquire knowledge and skills in order to increase her employability. On the basis of a certificate of completed mobility, she was recognized 7 credit points. After the elaboration and defense of the term paper, she obtained another 7 credit points. On 20th April 2017, she had fully recognized obligation in practical education. The lecturers were satisfied with the course, the content and the establishment of new relationships with both educational institutions. There was a transfer in implementing the mobility of staff, namely from one planned mobility for training to mobility for teaching.

Given the low number of mobility it would be difficult to talk about the verified and broad impact of our project. However, any improved and newly acquired competence of the mobility participant has an impact on the environment in which the participant lives and works. As the broader impact could be evaluated the change in the activities and the conception of the student, who stated how much easier she cooperates with people from different backgrounds and cultures, is able to adapt and respond in new situations, is more open and curious about new challenges. In any case, she gained self-confidence and conviction about her abilities, as she decided to perform a three-month work in America. We have achieved the goals set out in the EPS, since we have concluded two new interinstitutional agreements. The University of Dubrovnik sent us an invitation to participate in a scientific conference. We joined the Bitola University as a partner in KA2 2016. The effect of new contacts was also the guest lecture of the Faculty of Tourism and Catering at our institution.